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Dog Commissioned Paintings

I do accept commission work, but I usually restrict it to subjects that I would typically paint. I naturally like to have a good working relationship with someone that commissions me to do a painting. I do not want a painting accepted that does not please the collector. It would do neither of us any good to have a painting that did not meet both of our expectations.

The first step in this commission process is to decided on a subject, the size of the painting, the price, and the composition. I like to start with small compositional sketches ("thumbnail sketches) and then after the design or idea is selected, begin a full size layout drawing. Sometimes I also do a small color sketch prior to the final painting, so the color scheme can be checked in advance.

Pricing on my originals is based on the size and the complexity of the painting. My terms are 1/3 payment to begin the work, 1/3 payment approximately halfway through the painting and the 1/3 balance due upon completion of the painting.

This line of commission work also includes animal portraits, such as cats, dogs, horses, and others. Some of the examples shown below are approximately 9" x 13" in image size. A painting this size, framed, runs approximately $2,200. An 8" x 10" pencil portrait is approximately $500 (unframed). Prices are based on size and complexity of the artwork. I prefer to see the animal and be able to spend some time with it photographing it. However, that is not always possible and I can work from photographs provided by the client when necessary.

If you are interested in a possible commission, please contact me and we can discuss it. More of my commission painting are posted below..


Couch CatsInside Out

CashLinda's Dog

CaseyDog Portrait
Puppy PortraitHorse Portrait
Barred Owl


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